Weight: 128.51 carats
Dimensions: 27 x 28.25 x 22.2 mm
Color: Canary Yellow
Weight of Rough: 287.42 carats
Origin: Kimberly Mine, South Africa
Date Found: 1878
Current Location: Tiffany & Co. has been the sole owner
The Tiffany has an uneventful history, belonging to Tiffany’s since it was unearthed.
OK, what you see above is the current model of the Tiffany, not the brownish replica I had before. It’s amazing what can be done to update a model after 25 years of technological developments. No more tracing paper, this was done using my latest techniques on the computer.
One of the things I recently discovered is that the pavilion main angles can be accurately determined (within about ±0.5°) by looking at the reflection of the culet facet, and its position relative to the facet itself and the girdle. More on this in the Regent discussion.